Democrat Terry McAuliffe won Virginia's gubernatorial election in 2013 by ginning up the liberal base, and he catered to them in his inaugural address on Saturday, hinting that he would fiercely promote abortion, benefits for illegal immigrants, and the LGBT agenda while framing Republicans as the "party of no."
In his address, Gov. McAuliffe said Virginians must "work to ensure that the children of new immigrants to Virginia have equal educational opportunities," "someone can’t lose a job simply because they are gay," and "every woman has the right to make her own personal health care decisions."
McAuliffe plans to lay out his policy proposals and agenda in more detail on Monday, but Democrats and Republicans took those words to mean McAuliffe is ready to fight on issues that matter to those communities. The Washington Post noted McAuliffe, knowing that Republicans in Virginia can stymie his agenda because they control the legislature, may try to force more liberal issues on them to try to frame Virginia's GOP as "obstructionist." McAuliffe is reportedly set to wage battles against Virginia's GOP on the expansion of Medicaid as well, which was one of his campaign promises in 2013.
He may also advocate for Virginia's version of the DREAM Act while the debate over comprehensive immigration reform on the national level takes place. Last week, state legislators introduced various bills that would give in-state tuition rates to illegal immigrants.
Abortion, LGBT Issues, Illegal Immigrants: Terry McAuliffe Ready to Tilt VA Left
Sun, 12 Jan 2014 17:39:51 GMT
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